Innovation Showcasing-2023-24 - Bangladesh Krishi Bank

Innovation Showcasing-2023-24
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To develop or simplify the process of providing government services to the citizens is the primary objective of innovation in public administration.Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) is not lagging behind to redesigning the public services through reduction of citizens’ time, cost and visits (TCV) to access these services.BKB is establishing physical and virtual service delivery platforms of innovation through the development of ’empathy’ within civil service.


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Innovation Team

From this view BKB has formed following INNOVATION TEAM;   Innovation Officer : General Manager Information & Comm... Read More

Innovation Plan

Innovation Plan of BKB: SL# TITLE VIEW / DOWNLOAD 1. Innovation Plan 2020-21 2. Innovation Plan 2019-20 3. Innovation Plan 2018-19 4. Innovation Plan... Read More

Innovation Related Information

Innovation related any information can be sent in this E-mail Address: Read More

Simplified & Digitized Services

Projects Under Piloting Ser... Read More

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